Friday, December 28, 2018

Sarah early days !!

Hello , My name is Sarah G ,I am an Entrepreneur and this is my life story and journey of how I became who I am today .

Sarah G never came from a home , wealthy or high class but rather a home that I had to work for everything . Although my life was not how i expected , I had dreams of having my own business.
Becoming an entrepreneur was least on my mind , little did I know it was part of me , I used to go to school , come back and work in my dad's garage , he was a straightener and painter of cars , I had the job of rubbing, and getting the vehicles ready for painting , I loved it alot .
When I was a child as well I had to pick up mango seeds for my late granddad for his nursery , so I was an entrepreneur and i didnt even know , when i was ten he past away .
My late granddad taught me alot about agriculture , beekeeping & plants .However my passion was Arts & fashion (sewing ) , I used to get cloth and sew anything , draw anything , create anything and the list goes on!!
I had so many fun at home , however at school the kids made fun of me and bullied me because of my disability (my impediment), I used to cry and no one know , but I put that behind and kept forward. Life is filled joy and sorrow at the same time and you just have to faced it .