Thursday, September 26, 2019

As I turn 34 , yes that awesome 34
Lets get to know me a lil more !!
My name is Sarah Griffin , born and raised in Printeryville Arima I was born with a clef palate and people and kids used to mocked and scorned me , I wanted to kill myself , I didn't know who i was and i just to get rid of myself , until i heard that voice that said "Sarah you have alot to live for " After that i kept going , yes while in standard 5 my classmates told me I wouldn't have no friends and no man ( like if i wanted man ) however i kept going .
I went on to junior sec then senior comprehensive where i did my best and got an award for excellence .....I was always 1st...2nd or 3rd in my class
At the age of 27 I was accepted at UTT: Caribbean Academy of Fashion and Design where I currently pursuing my Diploma in Fashion Design , hoping to finish soon (suppose to finish already , nevertheless i will )
Today I am proud to be a wife (yes i am married) a mom of a beautiful daughter of 10 .
I am an Entrepreneur that focuses on recyclable fashion and jewellery , Broker for smart homes ( steel frame homes that can be customised) and a social media manager for some pages .
Keep going people , God loves you no matter how you are , accept who you are!!

#segtnt #propsolv #entrepreneur #rebrandtt #asksarah #smartchange #live #love #laugh #beyou #loveyourself #clefpalate #clefty #impediment #disabled