Friday, October 23, 2020

Being Me !

 In life we hope for better and sometimes the worse comes , I grew up not having everything but I knew about working for what you want.

I thrive for years in trying to be me , having an impediment that made me felt like nothing , people mocked and tease me made me felt worthless and I lacked self esteem.

Now people asked "why were you treated that badly " the truth of the matter is , if I have found myself of course that won't matter if anyone understood me but life is not fair and it won't ever be fair !

At age 17 years , I found myself aiming for betterment yet still lacking the self esteem to move forward .

I worked in my late dad's garage , and I wanted to get out of home because of my mom behaviour towards me 

I worked in factories and eventually did courses . Reaching to levelling up ! I keep doing my best , I happen to have a miscommunication with my mom and that lead to having me out from my parents home to live with my boyfriend's parents ,something I didn't want happen , but it happened ...

I am so thankful I'm still with my Boyfriend now husband for 18years and forward !

No one will understand me however I'm motivated to becoming better , everything I have thought about it happened , I wanted to become a designer , be in real estate , a marketer , a mom , a wife's amazing how you can ask for things and they come to reality .

Being a clefty has made me who I am today I fought great , from being in spiritual pains to physical pains however I have overcome !

Don't ever give up cause one day you will overcome , a next level will start but you will make it just as the first 

Keep moving forward !!

Till again !

Sarah Griffin.
