Sunday, November 17, 2019

Let Go!!

 The past 11 months I have been holding on to hurt that shattered my trust with everyone, I loved this woman like a sister, and she was a mentor to me as well, I was holding and the more I kept holding on to the past hurt and pain she had afflicted in my life and family, her life was being shattered piece by piece, until I had a weird feeling and I message her , she told me to move on and she can't change the past but I had to move on so that she can live her life . 
I was somewhat bitter and happy at the same time, however she called me the next day and she talked to me, and told me how she felt and she would never do someone this because she was feeling the pain the most, the more I was hurting, the more her life was growing.
I decided from that day I had to let go and move on, in order for my life to become whole and she can have a normal life.
My string attached to her was there and I saw it needed to be cut and go our separate parts.

In life we go through pains, I have been through a lot of pains, I been abused verbally, physically and emotionally, somehow I had forgiven everyone and I have moved on, until the past year , this kept coming back , the more I thought about money, education, and family , the more the pain s came . That holds me back and affected me a lot , maybe it was not only her but it was so many businesses that took advantage of me all at once and maybe I happen to blame it on her, because had known all my struggles, all the goals, my debts, my ambitions and yet you took from me what was mine .
how can someone do you this? how can this happen? how?
the fact of the matter is that sometimes you need to cut that tie and move on so that you can have a happy life and become that person again.

As I come to my closing I want to let everyone know that no matter the situation we need to FORGIVE AND FORGET we would become happier as before .

Thursday, September 26, 2019

As I turn 34 , yes that awesome 34
Lets get to know me a lil more !!
My name is Sarah Griffin , born and raised in Printeryville Arima I was born with a clef palate and people and kids used to mocked and scorned me , I wanted to kill myself , I didn't know who i was and i just to get rid of myself , until i heard that voice that said "Sarah you have alot to live for " After that i kept going , yes while in standard 5 my classmates told me I wouldn't have no friends and no man ( like if i wanted man ) however i kept going .
I went on to junior sec then senior comprehensive where i did my best and got an award for excellence .....I was always 1st...2nd or 3rd in my class
At the age of 27 I was accepted at UTT: Caribbean Academy of Fashion and Design where I currently pursuing my Diploma in Fashion Design , hoping to finish soon (suppose to finish already , nevertheless i will )
Today I am proud to be a wife (yes i am married) a mom of a beautiful daughter of 10 .
I am an Entrepreneur that focuses on recyclable fashion and jewellery , Broker for smart homes ( steel frame homes that can be customised) and a social media manager for some pages .
Keep going people , God loves you no matter how you are , accept who you are!!

#segtnt #propsolv #entrepreneur #rebrandtt #asksarah #smartchange #live #love #laugh #beyou #loveyourself #clefpalate #clefty #impediment #disabled