Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Cutie with a clefty

Some may wonder , what is a clefty?

A clefty is someone that was born with a cleft palate or clef lip , it affects your speech and sometimes left with a speech impediment !

Some asked " can you fix it ? "

Yes it can be fixed , however I did one operation and it open back , I was a baby and went through a major surgery to fix my palate , however it open as I grew older and I'm left with a hole at the roof of my mouth !

Do you have complications ? Yes I do , all the time , food stuff goes up there , if I drink too fast water can drown me , I can't wash my hair as any normal person but I get it done , I can't swim but I enjoy myself at the beach or river ! I learnt to love myself and love who I am !
My speech is a bit impaired but my business partners and my family understands me .
I take my time and talk so the words can be cleared ...
I'm grew to love me and I grew to overcome the hate the was inflicted on my life through people that bullied me and made fun of me , nevertheless I have many to live for as I heard the voice that spoke to me when I was about to kill myself !
I am now thankful and happy to be who I am today !!

Sarah G.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Becareful of your company !!


Strong ��is the new beautiful


Stop the Abuse

Being abused in my childhood days

As a young girl growing up I have always wanted to have my business, always to become something, however, I had a lot of adversaries, because of my impediment, I was #abused verbally and emotionally, I wanted to kill myself, I just wanted to get rid of myself because my classmates, neighbors and some relatives made me felt worthless, I had pain and grudges for everyone and I just wanted to get rid of every single person
Today I am thankful for the voice that stopped me from killing myself and the voice that told me that I have many things to live for, although I wasn't someone that was in the the crowd, I always say I was different, always saw that I would become someone.